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Our Mission

A charity that partners with local community groups to support sustainable change, through educating and empowering whole communities, in areas that need it most.

Education for all - Bringing out the best - Connecting people 

A Strong Focus

ConnectED International aims to provide the foundations for positive education work around the world. In line with our three core principles stated above, we are dedicated to supporting the achievement of the following United Nation Sustainable Development goals:

  • Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for


  • Goal 5. To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

  • Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment

    and decent work for all

  • Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable



The Problem

Too many young children in rural areas of Africa drop out of education before the end of Primary School, missing out on vital development and becoming literate and competent in English and with the use of computers.


This limits employment opportunities as they reach adulthood continuing the cycle of poverty with common features such as early marriages, single-headed families and unemployment.


There are community groups working to improve the situation but they do not get the resources they need to have the desired impact. They have the local knowledge and enthusiasm but require more financial and intellectual support.


Our Solution

An Informed approach: According to recent research (Angrist, Evans, filter, Glennerster, Rogers and Sabarwal, 2020) the three most cost-effective methods of improving quality education are:

  1. Targeted information campaigns on education benefits, costs and quality 

  2. Teaching adjusted to the students level of learning 

  3. Improved pedagogy in the form of structured lesson plans​

These interventions can be integrated with more traditional interventions such as technology hardware, textbooks and general teacher training to produce the largest impacts. So this is where we will focus our attention in response to the defined problem stated above.

A Pledge Model
Each project ConnectED embarks on will have a unique set of pledges attached to it. These will usually be a series of small, well-defined, contributions that fit the specific needs of the focus community and the overall vision of ConnectED. They will be centred around pledging time, money or resources and will be energetically shared within trustee networks and the general public. With a particular focus on schools to support through their mufti days.

A Direct Ask Model
Alongside the pledge model, we operate a ‘direct ask’ model. This approach recognises that even when people want to help they are often too busy or unsure what to do. Therefore, for all projects we work on, we will agree a set of ‘direct asks’ that trustees put to their networks and the general public.​

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